Welcome to The (Unofficial) Towny Guide
A guide on how to get started in tonwy and get to know your way around some of the most used and generally useful commands
Section 1 : How to start a town of your own
So you have decided to finally hop on the train of success and start to earn tokens, you know it will be a long process, but you know it will be well worth it. And now you have been /rtping around looking for the perfect spot when you finally find it.
Congratulations, you have found a spot for your town! But before you run /t new I would recommend that you do F3 + G as this will show your chunk borders. The reason why this is important is that the Towny System is chunk based, and each plot fits within one of those 16 X 16 areas. Once you have found the perfect chunk to start your town in you can run the command /t new [townname]. Make sure that you pick your name wisely as it is hard to get it changed once it is put into place.
Once you have created your town the very first thing I would do it run /t deposit 1000 as there is a 10 dollar tax every day. It will only take 10 dollars every day at about 3 pm EST. If this is not met, your town might fall into ruin! Once you have run that command, if you are looking about getting involved in the towns system for getting tokens, I would read all the information at /warp towns. After you have read those, you can get building!
So you now have a town and have read the requirements to be an official town, but you need more space! If you still have the F3 + G overlay on, you can go into neighbouring chunks and run the command /t claim, this will put that plot in the name of your town! If you run out of claimable plots, first deposit into your town bank the amount of plots you would like to buy times 1000, as each bonus plot costs 1000. In this case, let's say you need three more plots. You would do /t deposit 3000 followed by /town buy bonus 3, then you can claim three more plots for your town!
If you have not already noticed, but in /warp towns you needed to also have a claimed /land region around your area. This will be useful in being able to set up permissions such as mob spawning, ice melting, snowfall, and many many more. Where you claim your region is quite important though, you want to try and claim it in the very middle of your first chunk that you claimed. If an admin or owner is on, we can gladly put you in the exact middle of your plot so you can then claim a region around your town, a very good plot size to start with would be the TNT region which costs 15K, you can later upgrade your region to be larger and is recommended that you eventually upgrade to a Bedrock region so other towns would not be able to claim near your town.
Since you have finally set up your region and starting town plots, you need to go off hunting for resources to build your amazing builds. So you /rtp and get some spruce wood for your house. But then you start to panic as you don't know how to get back to your town! To return to your town, all you have to do is run the command /t spawn as this will take you back to your home plot. If you want to change your home point you can run /t setspawn and change where it is, I would recommend also placing your setspawn at the same place you claimed your region.
Well, you have finally built up your town hall and a few houses for people to live in, yet no one other than yourself to live in them! inviting people to a town is actually quite easy. To initially invite someone to a town, the staff team kindly ask that you ask before inviting, then if they say yes, you can run /t invite [playername] and if they accept, you can first tell them to run /t spawn so they can get to your town and then you add them to your /land region as well. Next, if you want your friend to move into one of the houses you built, in the plot that you placed the house you can run the command /plot fs [amount] with the amount being how much you want to sell it for, you can set that value to zero so it doesn't cost your friend anything. After that you tell your friend to run /plot claim as this will then put the plot in their name and in most cases will make it so now they can build inside that plot and nowhere else. You can also do this process for yourself if you would like to claim plots in your town for yourself.
These are the basics of creating and running your town, but you may be inclined to know more about towns, you can keep reading.
Section 2 : Useful commands for residents and people without a town
Under the towny plugin, you may notice that there is a /town and /towny, both of them are useful in their own way and have mostly different sub-commands that will help you along your journey to becoming an amazing town.
/town or /t : This is the main command, and what everything will start with, but if you run this command, it will show you all about your town. How many members you have, how many plots you have, any town options you have selected, and how much money is in the town bank. Note: Any /town can be abbreviated to /t
/town help or /town ? : This is the command you can run if you may not understand some of the commands that may not be listed in the guide or possibly another way of explaining if this guide did not explain it to you in the way you wanted.
/town new [townname] : How you create a town, if you want to have spaces in your name, you must use underscores.
/town online : If you would like to check the online status of the members in your town at the current moment, you can run this to see who is currently online in your town.
/town invite [playername] : This command is used to invite people to your town, we kindly ask you to ask players before just running this command for any new player who joins the server.
/town leave : If you would like to leave a town since it was not right for you, you can run this command. This is irreversible on your behalf if you run this command, you will lose access to all of the town and the only people who can invite you back are town staff.
/town plots : This command is used for knowing the distribution of your plots in many different ways including how many are owned by players, how many are for sale, your total plots, and even the distribution of types of plots.
/towny map : This will show the chunks you own in a map that shows up in your chat. This is useful for making things filled out so you don't miss a chunk.
/towny time : This will show you how long until your next 10 dollar tax is due.
/town deposit [amount] : Only residents of the town may run this command, but if you would like to deposit money into the town bank, you can by running this command, this can help the towns by giving them plots to purchase.
/plot claim : If a plot is for sale, you can claim that plot by using this command
/plot perm : This will bring up something in your chat showing you the permissions of your plot, if you want a hud, you can do /plot perm hud
/plot set ... : This command contains a TON underneath it, this one is about resident allowances.
/plot toggle [parameter] : For toggling larger features about your plot including pvp (to toggle pvp in your plot), fire (to toggle fire and firespread in your plot), explosion (to toggle tnt and creeper explosions in your plot), and mobs (to toggle mob spawning in your plot).
Section 3 : Useful commands for town mayors and town staff
/town withdraw : Used for withdrawing money from the town account into your balance
/town claim : Used for annexing new land next to your town, it must be connected to your existing town, outpost, or embassy
/town unclaim : Used for unclaiming a plot you may not have wanted to claim, the plot is returned to your avaliable plots, so don't worry.
/town kick [playername] : If you would like to kick a member from your town due to them not following your rules, you can run this command, although if you do, all items MUST be returned to the player that were in their plot. If chests are locked, you can make a modreq saying "/modreq I removed [playername] from my town and they have locked chests that need to be removed". An admin will be there to help and items will be moved to player storage for the player to recieve at a later time. If you are the person who was kicked, contact an administrator or in #ask-for-help in the discord.
/town set board [message] : This is good for showing a slogan or general statement you want the players of the town to recieve on joining survival.
/town set mayor [playername] : If you would like to transfer ownership of your town to another person you can by running this command but warning, this is irreversable and only the new town mayor can make you the mayor again.
/town set homeblock : If you would like to change the place where your "First" plot is. (Where the action bar text of [Home] shows up)
/town set spawn : If you would like to change where the spawn of your town is when people run /town spawn, run this command where you would like to set your new spawn, it will save where you are looking at as well, so if you would like players seeing a specific thing when they come in, you can look towards it when setting spawn.
/town set perm [level] [type] [on/off] : This command will control things that can happen in ALL plots of your town. For example, if you wanted to make it so residents could build anywhere in your town, you would run the command /town set perm resident build on. The different types of levels are Resident (Members of your town), Nation (Members of your nation), Ally (Allied town members), and Outsider (Anybody not mentioned within the other groups). The different types of types are Build (If you want these players to be able to build in all of your town), Destroy (If you want these players to be able to destroy in all of your town), Switch (If you want these players to have access to unlock inventories, redstone, and interactible things within your town), and Itemuse (If you want these players to be able to use items like swords, fishing rods, shears, ect. within the town). If you need more info about this, ask in #ask-for-help.
/town buy bonus [amount] : For purchasing more plots to claim for your town, each extra plot costs 1000
/town toggle [parameter] : For toggling large settings about the town including, PVP (Which doesn't work in TFW), Public (if you want the town to show up on leaderboards and have access by people doing /t spawn [yourtownname]), Explosion (If you want to toggle TNT in your town), Fire (To toggle the use of fire and firespread), Mobs (To toggle if mobs spawn at all), Taxpercent (if you want percentage-based taxes in your town), Open (If you want anybody to be able to join your town anytime without an invite), and Jail (used only in towny war)
/town delete : This is a command you will run if you would like to delete your town, it will only get rid of the town plots, not the builds, so you don't have to worry about that. This task is also irreversible, so be careful.
/town rank [add/remove] [resident] [rank] : This is useful for giving people in your town higher ranks so they appear greater on the /town screen, these ranks can also provide more accessibility for members to modify more plots within your town. And if you were asking if you can have custom ranks, no, you can choose from assistant, helper, sheriff, and vip (lowest to highest permissions).
/town spawn [townname] : If you would like to check out a town before you join, you can run this command to go there, if you are in a town alreadt, just /town spawn will take you back to your town's spawn.
/town say [message] : If you have an important message you need to say to your online members, you can run this command to give them a message sent from the town and only to your town members.
/plot forsale [amount] or /plot fs [amount] : This command will put the plot you are standing in up for sale for resident to /plot claim. The amount can be set to zero and any money that is there will be put into the town bank.
/plot notforsale or /plot nfs : If you have set a plot up for sale that you no longer want to sell, use this.
/plot evict : This will remove the current player who owns this plot and make it Unowned.
/plot set ... : This command contains a TON underneath it, this is for town mayor allowances
Your (Unofficial) Guide Creator!
I question your life too, simply because life needs to be questioned before it is over. ~JmeBoo, Queen of Quotes