



endslayer555 was last seen: 02 Feb 2021, 00:37

There are no wall posts here yet.
over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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endslayer555's staff aplication

What is your IGN?


What is your discord name and discriminator?


How old are you?

16     2004 Dec 3

What timezone are you in?


Have you been staff on a server before?

no this will be a new experience

Are you still with this server?

yes I'm still playing and grinding on this server

What game mode do you primarily play?

survival and sometimes skyblock

How many hours a week will you be able to dedicate to the server?

3hours weekday 8 hours weekends

Are you able to record AND upload proof of hackers?

yes, I am good at reporting and getting proof of hackers, I'm also good at finding game-breaking bugs.

Outline why you should be selected as a staff member on the server.

I'm creative and I'm really good at finding small information that can lead to hackers and exploiters

How long have you played on The Fake World? 

I joined 5 days ago and noticed the server has a kind community and wanted to give some kindness back.

Are you friends with any of our current staff?

the only staff member I know a little about is justgotredstoned

Have you ever been banned from any server?




over 4 years ago

No friends.