



HeavenLettuce was last seen: 10 Jun 2018, 10:01

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over 6 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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HeavenLettuce's Staff Application

What is your IGN?

What is your discord name and discriminator?

How old are you?
16 years old, birthday is March 14, 2002

What timezone are you in?
EST, United States

Have you been staff on a server before?
I have, I was a helper (first staff rank) for around 5-6 months, the average player count was around 100-130.

Are you still with this server? 
No, I am no longer with this server because it was very toxic and it became too much, the owner was also very inactive.

What gamemode do you primarily play?

How many hours a week will you be able to dedicate to the server?
15 hours at least, depending on whats going on that week.

Are you able to record AND upload proof of hackers?
I do not have software but I am willing to download and learn how to use it.

Outline why you should be selected as a staff member on the server.
I should be chosen as staff because I have a lot of good ideas i can bring to the table.I would also like to see this server strive as much as possible.

How long have you played on The Fake World?
I joined June 9th.

Are you friends with any of our current staff?
"You gots alkaline's stamp o' approoval"-Alkaline

Have you ever been banned from any server?
I have not.
over 6 years ago

No friends.