
My staff aplication

 Started by sketchy_boy

What is your IGN?

What is your discord username?

How old are you?

What timezone are you in?
Eastern European Time

Have you been staff on a server before?
Yes, I'm still staff in one server, about 1K+ members and I was a moderator for about 2 months.


Are you still with this server?

What gamemode do you primarily play?
Creative, I think.

How many hours a week will you be able to dedicate to the server?
About 50 hours a week (5 hours Sunday-Thursday and 10 hours Friday and Saturday)

Are you able to record AND upload proof of hackers?

Outline why you should be selected as a staff member on the server.
Well... I want to be staff in more than one server

How long have you played on The Fake World?
I think since I've joined the Discord server

Are you friends with any of our current staff?

Have you ever been banned from any server?
I got banned once for joking about being underage, and I've learned my lesson.

By pavkata_ez, over 3 years agoLast edited: 9 months ago